If you have a site, you need a 100% link shortener.
Let's get straight to the point, well first of all epsi is not just a link shortener.
One of the features of your epsi user office is checking the statistics of your visitors.
Most of the sites that provide you with short links that you can use on social networks doesn’t have other services or if there is, you have to pay for it.
Nowadays, due to the pervasiveness of the Internet and online jobs also small business websites, it is very important to know the user path.
Of course, there are specialized programs that you can see the complete insight of the customer's situation, but it requires a lot of skill. But one of the easiest and user-friendly ways is to use epsi link shortener.
Why we have to use Link Shortener?
As you know, having a site is not enough today, and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others have come to our aid so that we can introduce our services more easily.
But each social network has its limitations, such as the limit on the number of characters, this is where link shorteners can help.
True or false, but most people prefer to click the short link! Until long links that do not even look beautiful!
The other reason is that you can create short link for specific link with the specific purpose.
Archive of links
The Epsi user panel, which we will cover in detail in another article that how you can use and setup your panel features, gives you the opportunity to have a complete report of the links made, the visits and the status of each one.
You can delete or edit the created links. Check their visit status.
This can be with a complete analysis and specifications of each visitor.
epsi gives you the opportunity to have your own branding and you can even create the short link you want with your domain.
Why Epsi?
It is true that our main service is link shortening, but this is not all of our services.
Epsi, which is derived from Epsilon, first of all aims to provide free link shortening service.
Second, Providing a professional but very convenient QR code maker.
last but not least, provide free user dashboard to check inputs, track the traffic, edit and change links
If I want to give an example of two similar sites, bitly and bl.ink are certainly good shortener links creators, but one of our differences is that all services are free.
You can have a complete list of your favorite shortcut links with unique URLs on powerful Epsi services that you can easily view daily traffic report of each.