How stat on epsi site helps your site SEO?
Now a day 2 things are so important for website providers.
First of all, search engine optimizing, and second links statistics. And they are both closely related.
If you are trying to grow your site, you need to keep these two main factors in the site.
But first we need to know what each of them means.
SEO (Search Engine Optimize)
SEO is the methods we use to grow the site in Google results. If your site has good content in addition to the general technical methods approved by Google, you will get a good ranking in Google over time.
In general, technical standards are calculated based on the latest Google algorithms, such as site loading speed, site page optimization, and internal linking.
But the story does not end there. And to grow, you must always pay attention to the needs of the user and the audience.
Why are stat and seo related?
Google has provided various tools to its users to be aware of the status of site inputs.
For example, tools such as Google Analytics and Google Console are very effective ways to check site inputs. But in this path of growth, epsi is with you. You may ask how?
As you know, epsi shortens your links and in addition allows you to check link entries and their statistics.
Short link is one of the features that epsi creates for referring to your site and the shorter the link, the more useful it is to improve your site.
In addition, if you create an account in epsi, by default all stats are public, which also makes you more visible on Google.
So, all you have to do is sign up free for Epsi login page and shorten your links. As you can see in the picture, all the links, in addition to being redirected to your site, create a stat that you can check the statistics of that link.
We recommend that you leave the created statistic link in the default state, ie public, but if you want someone not to see the status information of that link, just make it private in the settings!
What statistics does epsi stat provide?
Epsi statistics summary Which helps you check the number of entries per day, week, month or selectively.
You will also have a visitor map to see from which countries and cities your site has been visited.
The map is schematic and the top countries, the number of unique and repeat
Another feature that epsi has provided to you is the knowledge of the users’ platform & Browsers. But why is the platform important?
In addition to the international w3c standards, you should check the standards of your site ui for the latest browsers and platforms used by your contacts, and if you have a problem with the site, fix it.
Next,language can help you to analyze your users nationality and finally and last but not least is:
Where the link came from can greatly affect your subsequent linking path. The referrer section gives the opportunity to determine the best routes, whether through email, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Telegram or other networks.